Ah, finally September, time for another event. No we didn’t forget, yes we are late, yes we know… but still … better one close notice event than no event I would reckon.
Our next event will be on the 28th of September (28/09/2020), with three full sessions and a virtual tech bar at the end. [sorry it is a byob (bring your own beer) bar.]
We start the evening with Micha Wets our own WVD guru. With the spring update and the integration with ARM, there is a new variety of deployment options. This session will guide you in the wondrous world of ARM deployment and how to leverage Azure Devops to deploy WVD automated from scratch.
The second session of the evening is given by Erik Moreau and André van den Berg, both Windows Insider MVP. Their session will be loaded with LPT tips and how to unleash Windows 10 full potential to make your daily life easier.
In the third session, Didier Van Hoye explains all you need to know about the newly release Azure Virtual WAN feature. This is not your typical enterprise solution, it is beneficial for everyone from SMB to Enterprise. Learn about Azure Virtual WAN, Firewall Manager, Virtual WAN HUB, Custom Tables, and more in and explore and adopt these new exciting capabilities.
To end the day we open our Virtual Tech Bar where we slow chat about any topic you bring up. It is a bring-your-own-beer kind of type event as we do not have the luxury of an in person event – it is what it is 🙂
• 19h00: Welcome introduction
• 19h05: Session 1 | Micha Wets – Deploy WVD with Devops – slides
• 20h00: Session 2 | Erik Moreau & André van den Bergh – Insider Tips and Tricks – slides
• 20h50: Session 3 | Didier van Hoye – Azure Virtual WAN – slides
• 21h35: Virtual Tech Bar
When: 28/09/2020
Where: @YourPlace
Registrations closed here
Location: Microsoft Teams Event
Technine is part of the Belgian ICT Communities: https://belgianictcommunities.be